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ego apartment

Formed by Dyna, Shu(ex.Peggy Doll), and Zen, ego apartment is a three-piece alternative band with a captivating sound that has made them stand out in the music scene.

They combine English and Japanese lyrics with two interchanging vocal styles of singers Shu and Zen.

Since their formation, the band has built a dedicated following in Japan and is expanding internationally.

They have released several singles leading to their debut self-titled album EGO APARTMENT in 2022.

This year the band will be releasing new music and touring both in Japan and overseas.

Laptop/Bass、サイパン島出身リーダーの Dyna(ダイナ) Guitar/Vocal、大阪府堺市出身 Shu(シュウ) ex.Peggy Doll
そして同じく Guitar/Vocal、シドニー出身 Zen(ゼン) 英語日本語を混ぜ合わせた歌詞、変幻自在な 2 ボーカルスタイル。



悲しさと楽しさを同時に放つ Dyna のトラックに 哀愁かつ美しい唯一無二の声を持つ Zen、 そして非凡なメロディセンスと歌声で認知度を高める Shu からなる 1998 年生まれの3人組ユニット「ego apartment」(エゴアパートメント)

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